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Open access


Research outputs deposited in UNSWorks must be the peer-reviewed version (accepted version or published version). Preprints cannot be deposited in UNSWorks. 

The final published version can only be deposited if permitted by publisher policy or if written permission has been obtained and uploaded during the UNSWorks deposit process.

To assist you in the selection of the correct version of your manuscript, ROS includes archiving advice from Open Policy Finder (formerly Sherpa services). However, it is important that you refer to your original contract prior to uploading a version of a publication in UNSWorks.

Version Explanation
Preprint is the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to the journal. It is also the version submitted to a preprint server. Preprints are not eligible for deposit to UNSWorks. 
Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) is the version of the article accepted for publication including all changes made as a result of the peer review process, but excluding any editing, typesetting or other changes made by journal or publisher. It is also referred to as the post-print, accepted version, or author-final copy.
Published version is the peer reviewed, edited, formatted and typeset version of the article, including any tagging, indexing and other enhancements from a publisher. It includes any post publication corrections made by a publisher. It is also referred to as the version of record. 
Author/creator licence agreement The PDF permission from the author/creator allowing you to upload on their behalf (not visible in UNSWorks).
Publisher permission The PDF permission from the publisher allowing you to upload the paper (not visible in UNSWorks).
Administrative documentation Any other documentation required (these are not visible in UNSWorks).