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Library service model for curriculum support

About the Library's service model for curriculum support 

UNSW Library has developed an integrated service model for curriculum support.

The model is in response to the UNSW 2025 strategy for learning and teaching including DVC A priorities and the UNSW Integrated Curriculum Framework.

UNSW Library’s integrated approach to curriculum support further develops library systems, software, services and resources to support quality assured online and blended learning that has the student actively engaged in their learning and skills development.  

UNSW Library guiding principles and frameworks

The Library service model for curriculum support is aligned with UNSW Library’s guiding principles – normalised, scalable, sustainable, digital, personalised and individualised where appropriate.

The principles and frameworks that guide UNSW Library’s service model are:

Design generic building blocks, objects and services for delivery through partnerships with educational developers and teaching academics.
The Library's five threshold concepts - academic rules, pattern perception, time/outcome ratio, play + exploration and systemic thinking "represent a transformed way of understanding or interpreting, or viewing something without which the learner cannot progress." (Meyer and Land, 2003)
Digital dexterity is a critical component in the success of digital societies: it encompasses the "cognitive ability and social practice needed to leverage and employ various types of media, information technology for advantage in unique and highly innovative ways that optimise personal and business value". (Gartner 2015, p.3)


CAUL (Council of Australian University Libraries) extends this definition to include active participation in all aspects of work and life in a digital world, so that people develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to help them live, learn and work in a digital society. This framework, based on the Jisc Digital capabilities framework, outlines the skills and capabilities that students will need to succeed in the workforce of the future. It is intended for institutions to adopt and adapt as needed.

Further to digital dexterity, consideration of transliteracy is part of our framework. This channel agnostic approach to moving across contexts, media and technologies is enabled through five capabilities - information and ICT capabilities, communication and collaboration, critical thinking and literacy and numeracy. This closely overlap with the four C’s of 21st century learning – communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.
DTLOs will be created with universal design principles in mind and will be CC BY NC licensed.
Collection resources used to create objects and or course resources lists will comply with UNSW copyright requirements and obligations.

Strategic priority

UNSW Library facilitates knowledge discovery, creation and transformation by UNSW students to support their development as rigorous scholars, capable of leadership and professional practice in an international community.

This is advanced through partnering with teaching academics, students and UNSW stakeholders to embed the service model and deliver leading practice in UNSW Library teaching and learning services and systems.

UNSW aspires to develop globally focussed graduates who are rigorous scholars, capable of leadership and professional practice in an international community.

The university has articulated that the Graduate Capabilities are desired learning outcomes for all UNSW students.