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Library service model for curriculum support

Flipped workshop packages

Design tailored teaching and learning resources.

What is it? 

Collaborate with the Library to develop online pre-work packages for your students.
The packages consist of pre-work tutorials. These are followed by a facilitated Q & A session in your lecture or tutorial where students can ask questions or highlight issues arising from the pre-work.  
This enables a subject-specialist librarian to provide "just in time" support when it is needed.

How do I organise this?

Your Outreach Librarian can assist you with setting up a pre-work tutorial tailored to your specific needs. They will put you in touch with a subject-specialist librarian who will create the pre-work tutorial and run the Q & A session.


Exemplar pre-work tutorials

Examples of generic pre-work tutorials that can be tailored to your subject area or the needs of your class:

(See more of our pre-work tutorials)


You can embed or link to Library services

Library chat service

Subject-specialist librarians

Research consultation service 

1 hour, Individual or group based
Honours or PGC
Subject-specialist librarian