On this page, learn how to edit sections and items, use tags and notes, and add or remove collaborators.
To add a new section:
You can enter a description for the section and an optional start and end date. If you would like to make this section visible for a limited period, click the Display section during these dates only box.
To delete a section:
It is possible to copy a section from one list and add it to another, or, to copy a section to the same list:
Sections can be collapsed or expanded. To move sections, they must first be collapsed. If they are not collapsed, use the Manage sections toggle to collapse them. To rearrange your sections:
To release content in your list on a specific date, you can set a start date for the section to become visible. For example, if you have only completed your list up to Week 4, you can hide the sections you are still working on.
To hide a section:
It is possible to copy an item from one list and add it to another, or, to copy an item to the same list. To do this:
To delete an item:
To move items, the sections in your list need to be expanded. If they are not expanded, use the Manage sections toggle to expand them.
To move an item:
It isn't possible to hide an item, however, if you don't want your students to see a particular item, you can move it to a section, and then hide the section.
First, create a hidden section:
Next, move the item to the new section:
To move items, the sections in your list need to be expanded. Use the Manage sections toggle to expand them if they are collapsed.
Use tags to signal whether items on your list are mandatory/required or optional/recommended. Tags with the mortar board icon are visible to students.
Notes can be used to direct students to a particular chapter or set of pages. Notes can also be used to add context to a particular item.
To add a tag or a note to an item, click on the title to expand the record:
When you need additional people to work on the list with you, add them as collaborators.
A collaborator can be added as:
To add collaborators:
To remove collaborators from your list:
Learn how to view how students in your course engage with readings and how to increase student engagement.
Learn about the different ways of making your list, sections, or citations available to students.