Warning: Some records contained in online resources may contain references to deceased people, sacred or secret material, inappropriate terminology or offensive language, which, though unintentional, may cause distress to some people.
Informit’s Indigenous Collection offers topical and historical issues paramount to understanding Indigenous studies across the world, but predominately in Australia and New Zealand. Including some Indigenous-led research in current fields, such as cultural and language revitalisation, biocultural knowledge, and decolonisation initiatives
Widely recognized as the premier source for bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature. Includes MEDLINE, life science journals and online books. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
This major biomedical and pharmaceutical database indexes international journals in the following relevant fields: drug research, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, and public health.
Aims to contribute to improving the health of Australia's Indigenous people by making relevant, high quality knowledge and information easily accessible.
Provides census data and a range statistical data on all areas of Australian life including demography, labour force, population and housing, business activity, building, immigration.