Artwork and images include paintings, sculptures, photographs, digital images, patterns, maps, diagrams and technical drawings.
Use of artwork and images in presentation slides and on pages in learning management systems (i.e. Moodle) is allowed under the educational statutory licence of the Copyright Act 1968. Artistic works can be copied in entirety and must be cited correctly.
If images are used in PowerPoint presentations shown in lectures, they can be included in the recorded lectures and made available on the LMS as long as it is cited properly, and the copyright warning notice for text and images (21KB PDF) is used.
Moral rights and attribution
Attribute the work by providing enough information to identify the creator and the work e.g. author, title, publication year, source.
UNSW staff and students can contact for assistance with a copyright query or to arrange a copyright information session.
Download a quick guide to copyright and teaching at UNSW (576KB PDF).
The Copyright Warning Notice that is used for Statutory Licence copying and communication is available for text and images (21KB PDF) and broadcasts (21KB PDF).