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Copyright at UNSW

Disability access

There are provisions in the Copyright Act that allow a person with a disability, or a person acting on their behalf, to copy materials into accessible formats without permission or any cost. These two exceptions are:

Fair dealing for the purpose of access by a person with a disability

Under this provision, a person with a disability or a person acting on their behalf can copy and communicate copyright material in an accessible format, provided that the use is considered fair. For more information, see Fair dealing for access by persons with a disability.

Use of copyright material by organisations assisting a person with a disability

This exception allows organisations to make accessible format copies and add features to them for the sole purpose of assisting a person with a disability if the material is not commercially available in the exact format required.

A person with a disability is anyone who suffers from a disability that causes them difficulty in reading, viewing, hearing or comprehending copyright material in a particular form. This includes persons with temporary disabilities.

For information and assistance with the accessibility of copyright material please contact Equitable learning services

Need help?

UNSW staff and students can contact for assistance with a copyright query or to arrange a copyright information session.