Agreement duration: 1 June 2024 – 31 December 2026
Acceptance date: Eligible articles that have an acceptance date during the term of this agreement are eligible to be published open access.
Summary: Bristol University Press (BUP) are UK based academic publishers committed to publishing the highest-quality international scholarship in the social sciences and aligned disciplines, with a focus on global social challenges. The Read and Publish Agreement will provide UNSW with read access to Bristol University Press and Policy Press' complete journal portfolio collection and enable unlimited immediate open access publishing of the Version of Record for all corresponding authors at those participating institutions to publish their original research open access in the journals listed below. There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published by UNSW corresponding authors under the agreement.
Titles Included:
Consumption and Society
Critical and Radical Social Work
Emotions and Society
European Journal of Politics and Gender
European Social Work Research (Journal of the European Social Work Research Association)
Evidence & Policy
Families, Relationships & Societies
Gender and Justice (new for 2025)
Global Discourse
Global Political Economy
International Journal of Care and Caring
Journal of Disappearance Studies (new for 2025)
Journal of Gender-Based Violence
Journal of Global Ageing
Journal of Poverty & Social Justice
Journal of Psychosocial Studies
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice
Justice, Power and Resistance
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
Policy & Politics
Voluntary Sector Review
Work in the Global Economy
Information for authors: See Bristol University Press Read & Publish Initiatives and Bristol University Press Read and Publish Agreements FAQs for more information. UNSW corresponding authors must use their UNSW institutional email address ( to be eligible under this agreement. This agreement allows researchers to publish open access under a CC BY licence. Page and colour charges may apply. Rapid service fees not included in the agreement. For journal response times between submission and acceptance you should check the specific journal guidelines for accurate information.
Eligible article types: Open access publishing covered under this Read & Publish agreement includes research articles.
Sharing via repositories: BUP’s standard self-archiving/Green OA policy states that the authors' accepted manuscript may be made available in repositories 12 months after publication in a journal issue. However, authors whose funder (e.g. UKRI, Wellcome, NIHR, cOAlition S) and/or institution (e.g. those with Rights Retention policies) require it may deposit their accepted manuscripts without embargo and with a CC BY licence. BUP will respect Funder and/or Institutional Rights Retention Strategies/Policies and will not impose any restrictions (including but not limited to embargoes and licence limitations) on the use and dissemination of the Accepted Manuscript (AAM) and agrees that the use and dissemination of the AAM shall not breach the exclusivity of any licence of the ‘version of the record’ granted to BUP. Further information can be found at BUP Green (self-archiving) Open Access Policy.
How to submit your article for open access publishing:
Corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail) or email addresses affiliated with other organisations, research centres or institutes. Otherwise they may be ineligible under the terms of this agreement.
For any queries about this open access publishing agreement please use this short form.