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The objective of this resource is to inform the UNSW community of changes to the Library Collection and open access publishing agreements in which the University participates.

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP) Open Access Publishing Agreement

Agreement duration: The UNSW agreement is from 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025.

Acceptance date: Eligible articles that have an acceptance date during the term of this agreement from 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025.

Summary: The Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP) is a society owned scientific publisher focussed on physics, materials science, biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences, mathematics and education. This agreement allows researchers to publish open access under a CC BY licence. There may be additional page charges that remain payable by the corresponding author. This agreement allows uncapped publishing. NB: journals that change from hybrid to fully open during the course of the agreement also remain available for open access publishing for the duration of the agreement (three years).

Titles included:   2025 IOPP title list. Includes 76 eligible hybrid and fully open titles. NB: Fully open access journals on the title list must be checked for inclusion. To do this click on the journal title from the list and check the Notes field for APC coverage. If there is no information in the Notes field, then title is not covered. 21 society titles are excluded as IOPP does not have rights to include in agreement. 

Information for authors: See the IOP website for more information. UNSW corresponding authors must use their UNSW institutional email address ( to be eligible under this agreement. Corresponding author is defined as the author that submits a manuscript to an IOP journal and is the author responsible for communicating with the journal through the submission, peer review and publication process. 

All current UNSW researchers including HDR candidates are eligible to publish under this agreement.

For journal response times between submission and acceptance you should check the specific journal guidelines for accurate information.

Eligible article types: Research Articles, Special Issue Articles, Review Articles, Letters.

How to submit your article for open access publishing:

  1. The UNSW corresponding author will follow the steps in IOPP's submission system, ScholarOne. The submission process will vary on some of their society partner journals.

  2. The UNSW corresponding author will need to make sure their affiliation is clearly stated on the submission form (use the autofill) and on the article itself. This included choosing UNSW as their institution and using their UNSW email address.

  3. After peer review and if the article is accepted, the publisher will email the UNSW corresponding author informing them of their inclusion in the agreement. No opt-in action is needed. Authors can opt out.

  4. The UNSW corresponding author with be asked to sign an open access copyright form. The article with be published under a CC BY licence.

  5. To comply with the Open Access policy the UNSW corresponding author will need to retain the rights to either the Published Version of Record or Author Accepted Manuscript, and deposit into UNSWorks using a CC BY licence.

Corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses  (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail) or email addresses affiliated with other organisations, research centres or institutes. Otherwise they may be ineligible under the terms of this agreement.

For any queries about this open access publishing agreement please use this short form.

Tags: open access publishing, scholarly publishing, transformative agreement