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The objective of this resource is to inform the UNSW community of changes to the Library Collection and open access publishing agreements in which the University participates.

EDP Sciences Subscribe to Open Publishing Agreement (S2O)

Agreement duration: The UNSW agreement is from 1st January 2023 - 31st December 2025. NB: a decision is made annually by the publisher as to whether the year's content will be published in open or subscription only access. The opening of each year's content is contingent on sufficient participation from academic libraries.

Acceptance date: Eligible articles that have an acceptance date during the term of this agreement

Summary: EDP Sciences is an academic publisher founded by learned societies in 1920. Today EDP Sciences publishes journals across a broad range of scientific, technical and medical disciplines, including mathematics and astrophysics.

Titles included: 

Information for authors: This Subscribe to Open (S2O) agreement allows UNSW Library to subscribe to journals that UNSW requires. Subscription payments go to support open access publication rather than read only access. With this model, accepted articles from UNSW eligible corresponding authors will be published Diamond OA. This means there are no author fees (except for page charges for Astronomy & Astrophysics journal) and the article will be immediately available, published under a CC BY licence. UNSW corresponding authors must use their UNSW institutional email address ( to be eligible under this agreement. For journal response times between submission and acceptance you should check the specific journal guidelines for accurate information.

Eligible article types: Original research papers, generally presenting new results. 

Number of included articles: There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published by UNSW corresponding authors under the agreement.

Sharing via repositories: Please note UNSW corresponding authors can comply with the Open Access policy by retaining the rights to the Author Accepted Manuscript and depositing a copy into UNSWorks (via ROS) using a CC BY licence.

Corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail) or email addresses affiliated with other organisations, research centres or institutes. Otherwise they may be ineligible under the terms of this agreement.

For any queries about this S2O agreement please use this short form.

Tags: open access publishing, scholarly publishing, transformative agreement