Agreement duration: The UNSW agreement is from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025. A previous one-year agreement was in place during 2024.
Acceptance date: Eligible articles that have an acceptance date during the term of this agreement from 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2025 are eligible to be published open access
Summary: Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organisation that promotes the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences. Under this arrangement all corresponding authors of the institution are offered a 50% discount on author facing APCs throughout the agreement duration and can publish their articles submitted during 2025 as open access.
Titles included: For 2025, the agreement includes all 33 hybrid journals including the ASME Open Journal of Engineering:
Information for authors: This agreement includes all current UNSW researchers including HDR candidates and must use their UNSW institutional email address ( to be eligible. This agreement offers a 50% discount on author facing APCs. ASME Journals may charge other mandatory page and colour fees and these are the responsibility of the author. Please refer to the publisher site for further information. For journal response times between submission and acceptance, you should check the specific journal guidelines for accurate information.
Corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail) or email addresses affiliated with other organisations, research centres or institutes. Otherwise they may be ineligible under the terms of this agreement.
Eligible article types: Peer reviewed research articles.
Number of included articles: This agreement is uncapped.
Sharing via repositories: Please note UNSW corresponding authors can simply comply with the Open Access policy by retaining the rights to the Author Accepted Manuscript and depositing a copy into UNSWorks (via ROS) using a CC BY licence.
How to submit your article for open access publishing:
The UNSW corresponding author should follow the usual article submission process via the ASME Journal Tool and use their UNSW institutional email address ( to be eligible.
On acceptance of the article, the publisher will ask the corresponding author to complete a form (publishing agreement).
On acceptance of the paper, the payment system will allow UNSW corresponding authors to choose UNSW as their institution. There is clear wording on the Journal Tool that alerts the author of the discounted open access fee payable by the author, should the corresponding author choose Open Access. Articles will be published under a CC BY licence.
To comply with the Open Access policy the UNSW corresponding author will need to retain the rights to either the Published Version of Record or Author Accepted Manuscript, and deposit into UNSWorks using a CC BY licence.
For any queries about this open access publishing agreement please use this short form.